Have you heard about Cop Logic? The Provo Police Department has invested in this awesome tool for citizens who need to make certain non-emergency police reports. Anyone who has ever needed to report a non-emergency crime but was frustrated because they had to wait while police responded to emergencies now has an easy option available to them.
Cop Logic is a free, web-based crime reporting tool that lets you complete your own crime report. This tool can be accessed at provopolice.com. Not all crimes can or should be reported online, but some can. Many reports can be completed by a citizen without an officer on scene. In general, if a report does not involve an emergency, if it occurred in Provo but not on the freeway, and if there are no known suspects, it can be reported using Cop Logic.
These categories of crimes are reportable online:
-Lost Property
-Found Property
-Damaged Property
-Identity Theft
-Credit Card Fraud
-Hit and Run
-Telephone/electronic communication harassment
Every report made online gets read and reviewed. Reports that need follow up will be assigned to an officer for investigation. However, many reports do not need follow-up and there is no reason to make citizens wait to get a case number and a copy of their own report. Citizens who use Cop Logic can get a case number and print a free copy of their own police report without waiting.
Knowing when and where each crime in a city is happening aids the police in important ways. One theft in your neighborhood is one too many, two is a pattern, and three in a specific time frame is a trend. With better reporting, our police officers can at least see every crime. That makes finding and interrupting criminal behavior much easier.
Part of the department's mission statement says, "We work with citizens to improve quality of life, safeguard liberties, and stop crime." The Cop Logic crime reporting tool is one of the ways they do it.