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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Free Windows Available to Qualified Homeowners: Egress Window Program

A lot of Provo homes were built at a time when all a bedroom needed was a window to pass safety regulations. Now, code requires all bedroom windows to be big enough to climb through. Basements and all sleeping rooms must have at least one opening, either a window or exterior door, for escape or rescue, also referred to as egress, in case of fire or other emergency.

Do you have non-conforming bedrooms in your home because the windows are too small? If so, the Redevelopment Agency of Provo City has an Egress Window Program for low to moderate-income, owner-occupants of single-family residential homes. This program is helping families put in bigger windows to make bedrooms legal and safer for all occupants.

The bigger windows allow for better air circulation, more natural light, increase the number of legal bedrooms and saves lives. Checkout the brochure and program guidelines for more information regarding this program.

Download the application here (link on the side of the screen) to apply for the program, contact the RDA for more info at 801-852-6160, or follow the link here.

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