What's for dinner?
I'm bringing this fun, competitive pastime to the streets of Provo with a weekly, city-wide Takeout Bingo Game! I hope that this fun, competitive game will encourage residents to support our amazing restaurants during this unprecedented time. Small businesses are such a huge contributor to not only our economy but also the unique character of our city. COVID-19, with its social distancing restrictions, has taken a toll on all of us, but our small businesses are feeling the crunch from both a health and an economic standpoint.
So, what's for dinner? I hope you’ll look at our Takeout Bingo cards to find the answer.
Here are the rules:
Get takeout/delivery/curbside from all the locations in any given row and take a pic of you enjoying the food!
Once you have a Bingo (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), send all of your pictures in one email to provocitycontest@provo.org, or send a direct message to Instagram (@provocity) or Provo City Government Facebook with all your pics. Be sure to attach your marked card as well!
Every Bingo you submit will be entered in a drawing to receive a Provo dinner/dessert experience on us! ($50 value).
You can enter as many Bingos as you want! (Have 5 Bingos on one card? Great! That is 5 entries for you!) A “blackout” (all spaces filled on one card) will count for 6 entries.
We will draw one winner every week!
* By submitting your pics, you agree to let us post them on the blog and/or on social media.
Bingo Cards:
A new card will be released every week on my blog and on our social media accounts. Be sure to challenge your family members, challenge your neighbors, challenge “Karen” from Facebook - this is a game where the more people play, the more we all win!
Without further ado, I give you our weekly Bingo cards: