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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Topping Off Ceremony for the New City Center

More than 3400 steel pieces have been placed on the new Provo City Center. In a long-standing construction tradition, a Topping Off Ceremony was held today to celebrate the placement of the last beam.

In keeping with the tradition, the beam placed atop Provo City Hall was adorned with a small evergreen tree, an American flag and the signatures of Provo City employees, construction workers and elected officials.

Today’s ceremony was an opportunity to celebrate the remarkable progress made on Provo City Hall and to recognize those who made this day happen:

First and foremost, our Provo citizens. Without their trust and foresight, we would not be able to create a safer and more efficient city hall for generations to come to engage with their city government. This building and its dynamic design will facilitate better government and public safety. On behalf of our Provo City staff we thank for providing a work environment to better serve you.

Second, our Police and Fire teams. For too long they’ve “made due” turning broom closets into work spaces, but with the completion of this building we will see our public safety teams effectively working together in interactive work environments. Properly providing for our community heroes means a safer Provo for all of us!

As we feel the frost in our fingers, let’s not neglect our construction partners and their workers who daily brave the cold winter deliver this amazing city hall to Provo. They deserve our respect and applause.

The topping off ceremony on construction sites goes back to ancient Europe.

The tree or leafy branch on the beam represents the natural resources needed to construct the building. The new Provo City Hall building will be energy-efficient to the highest level, thus showing this respect for the environment.

The attached American flag represents the pride of Country in both workmanship with this beautiful and dynamic buildings, as well as a skilled construction team existing showcasing their trade talents.

The signatures and notes on the beam personalize the connection and pride our Provo City team always feels for this new city hall. This will be their “home away from home.”

Thank you to Layton Construction and VCBO Architecture for the next-level leadership and design associated with this endeavor. Thank you to all the Provo City team members for their efforts in support of this on-budget and on-schedule project.

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