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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Stay Tuned for the State of the City!

The people of Provo are its ‘secret sauce’ to success and you’re also the reason we work hard to make our community an attractive choice to live, work, and play. I’m proud of Provo and I’m looking forward to unveiling the city’s first mission statement, as well as highlighting achievements and announcing plans for the future of Provo City at this year’s State of the City.

Our new mission statement is ‘Exceptional Care for an Exceptional Community’, with the word ‘exceptional’ capturing the high expectations we are setting for service delivery to residents. The mission statement reflects the need for a city and its community to work together to achieve lasting success. I’m pleased to showcase other leaders offering exceptional service in our community.

On Thursday, February 2 we will start rolling out the State of the City address in a series of videos. So save the date and stay tuned for more details!

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Jim B
Jim B
Feb 09

Oh bummer I was hoping this was in person. I moved here 2 years ago and have fallen in love with this city. You are an EXCEPTIONAL Mayor. I was hoping to see you in person.


Feb 02, 2023

Lower taxes, less spending, better roads. These are the things that wiil make Provo a better place to live.

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