I’m excited to announce that Provo City is celebrating Provo Women’s Day on Saturday, March 4th! This will be our 8th year celebrating the amazing contributions women make to our community, our world, and our future.
We are launching the Provo Women's Day website on Friday, February 10 at 10:00 AM so mark your calendar, set your alarms, and get ready to register! Once tickets are released, sessions and events will start filling up fast. We’ve been working hard to put together an amazing schedule of events and I can’t wait to reveal this year's theme along with all of the workshops, classes, and parties that will be happening.
We want every single woman in Provo and beyond to be able to attend so we’ve carefully curated all of the programs. I am confident that you’ll be able to find a women’s day event that speaks to you.
In the meantime, RSVP to the Facebook Page for updates and stay tuned for all the details to come on provowomensday.com!