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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Remembering Provo's Fallen Heroes

It’s National Police Week, and Provo is making an extra effort to honor its law enforcement officers who have given their lives to protect the community. Not everyone is aware that Provo has had 5 fallen officers throughout its history. Below is a brief description of these fallen heroes. As you go about your week, take time to pause and reflect upon those who put themselves in harm’s way daily to keep you safe.

Master Officer Joseph Shinners

Died January 5, 2019 Age 29 Homicide: Handgun

Master Officer Joseph Shinners was killed while trying to apprehend a wanted fugitive in Orem. A team of officers located that person in a shopping center parking lot near 50 West Univesity Parkway. When another officer attempted to arrest the man inside a vehicle, the suspect fought and began to drive away with the officer. Officer Shinners ran to the aid of the officer, entered the truck, fought for control of the suspect’s gun, covered the officer with his own body, and was shot. Officer Shinners fired back and struck the man once. Officer Shinners was a three year veteran of the Police Department and a member of the Patrol Division. He is survived by his wife and son. Posthumous Awards: Medal Of Valor, Purple Heart, Master Officer Rank

Officer Trent Halladay

Died on July 22, 2006 Age 37 Cancer: Linked to Meth Lab Exposure

Officer Trent Halladay was diagnosed with liver cancer at 36 years old.  Two doctors independently testified that Officer Halladay's cancer was believed to be the result of the many clandestine methamphetamine laboratories he investigated and dismantled while assigned to the Utah County Major Crimes Task Force. At the time of his death, he served as a reserve officer for the department. Survived by his wife and two sons, Officer Halladay is buried in the Spanish Fork City cemetery.

Sergeant Norman Kim Nisson

Died January 11, 1995 Age 39 Traffic accident

Sergeant Nisson was killed on January 11, 1995, in a three-car traffic collision while serving court papers in American Fork Utah. His vehicle was struck from behind while at the corner of 500 east and 620 south and pushed into oncoming traffic. At the time of his death, Sergeant Nisson was a member of the detective division and had been a successful hostage negotiator with the department. Survived by his wife and two daughters, Sergeant Nission is buried in the Orem City Cemetery.

Officer Frank J Tucker

Died June 16, 1904 Age 35 Accidental: Shooting

Officer Tucker died when his duty weapon accidentally discharged. Tucker was working a security detail at the Elk’s Carnival in Provo. Seated in the sheriff’s office in the Utah County building, he stood up to leave. His revolver fell from his belt and struck the floor, where it discharged. The bullet entered Officer Tucker’s hip and ranged upward through his heart. He died almost immediately. Officer Tucker left a wife and four children. He is buried in Provo City Cemetery.

Officer William Strong

Died June 27, 1899 Age 59 Homicide: Handgun

Officer Strong was murdered by a transient he arrested in the city train yard. Strong had returned from retirement for the purposes of patrolling the depot at night for vagrants. Shortly after midnight, Officer Strong took a man into custody, unaware that he had burglarized a store in Scofield. At 400 S. University Ave., the suspect removed a .38-caliber revolver from his bedroll and shot the officer through the heart. Married and the father of four children, Officer Strong is buried in Provo City Cemetery.

Marshal Albert O. H. Bowen

Died October 16, 1873 Age 44 Homicide: Handgun

Marshal Bowen was murdered at a Provo saloon 400 west center street. During the evening of October 13, 1873, Bowen responded to a report of an intoxicated man waving a gun. When Marshal Bowen attempted to disarm the man, he was shot in the side of the head with a .36-caliber revolver. He lived for three days, dying on the thirteenth birthday of his eldest son. Marshal Bowen was married and the father of nine children. He is buried in Provo City Cemetery.

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