What a week! With all of the moving parts, I feel as your Mayor I’d like to share some prepared remarks.
Covid-19 has created an uncertain time in our community. But what remains certain is that we will get through this together!
We released Provo City’s initial safety plan earlier this week. Due to the ever-changing nature of this situation, we have also activated an internal working group to address the challenges, called an Emergency Operations Center.
As a result, we are releasing our enhanced Provo City Four Step Community Safety Plan on our new Covid-19 Information Website available at COVID19.PROVO.ORG. The four steps of this plan are: 1. Coordinate, 2. Communicate, 3. Mitigate and 4. Encourage Calm Preparedness.
In Provo, the local agency with broad authority over health issues is the County Health Department. We continue to point you to this agency and other agencies tasked with COVID-19 management, available through links on our website.
What we do have authority over is our facilities and our services and the action steps we’re taking to prevent community spread of Covid-19.
Effective Monday, March 16, most of our facilities will be closed for the two-week period designated by the Governor, with ongoing evaluation after that time. This includes our Recreation Center, Library, Golf Course, Ice Arena and the Covey Center with further details on our website.
Our customer service offices will remain open with necessary precautions in place.
With that said, let’s remember to all stay calm, use our common sense and, most importantly, look after each other and your neighbors.
Provo citizens take emergency preparedness very seriously and we want to assure you that my staff and I do too. We will continue to provide regular updates, as necessary.