Ready to clear the garage of unwanted and never–used items? Need to dispose of the cut grass and tree trimmings that weigh down the black garbage cans? Take advantage of Provo’s Annual Fall Cleanup!
Separate yard waste and metals and dispose of the material in dumpsters at six locations throughout the city from September 23 – November 2, Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Dumpsters at the Compost Yard are available during the fall cleanup from Monday - Saturday from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Please do not dump after hours. Dumpsters will be closed nightly. It is unlawful to leave items on the ground. Illegal dumping costs thousands of dollars at the expense of Provo taxpayers and possible discontinuance of the program.
Larger loads, double-axle trailers, and loose green waste loads may be redirected to the Transfer Station or Provo City Compost Yard at the discretion of the cleanup attendant.
➤ September 23 – September 28 2027 W 820 N — Pole Yard 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
➤ September 30 – October 5 2027 W 820 N — Pole Yard
1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
➤ October 7 - October 12 2620 N 1200 E — Rock Canyon Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
➤ October 14 – October 19 2620 N 1200 E — Rock Canyon Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
➤ October 21 – October 26 100 N Seven Peaks Blvd — Peaks Arena 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
➤ October 28 – November 2 1150 S 1350 W — Footprinter Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard
Items that may NOT be placed in the Clean-Up Dumpsters:
Concrete, Blocks, Bricks, Dirt, Rocks, and Sod Paints, Solvents, Household Chemicals, Pesticides, Used Oil and Bulk Liquids Auto Parts, Tires, and Batteries Refrigerators, Freezers, AC Units, and items containing refrigerants.
For information on how to dispose of these items and others, visit
Transfer Station
Provo residents may take trash directly to the South Utah Valley Solid Waste District transfer station (2450 W 400 South, Springville) free of charge (using the coupon in the City Newsletter) September 23 – November 2 during normal business hours, Monday – Saturday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Cover loads to avoid a $4 tarp fee.
City Compost Yard
Depending on availability, organic compost will be on hand for purchase to residents at $5 per yard and to nonresidents at $10 per yard. Located at 1625 S Industrial Parkway in Provo and open Monday - Saturday from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm during Fall Cleanup. (After cleanup only open Friday-Saturday weather dependent.)
Green waste drop-off is available for residents free of charge during City Cleanups, and for a $5 fee per pickup truck or trailer up to 16’ for each drop-off after the City Cleanup.
No lumber, building materials, rocks, dirt, sod, stumps, treated wood, logs over 10” in diameter or trash is accepted at the compost yard. Logs over 4" in diameter to be cut to 8' lengths or shorter. No loads from commercial haulers or landscapers will be accepted.
Leaf Bags
You can also find a Leaf Bag Coupon in the City Newsletter good for five free leaf bags that can be picked up at the Public Works Dept., 1377 S 350 E. Leaf bags are collected curbside November through December.

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