Because of RAP funding, numerous things have transpired on the Provo River Trail over the past several weeks. Things are getting closer to the home stretch for this phase of the trail renovation project from west of Geneva Road to Columbia Lane. It is anticipated that the asphalt surfacing will be placed before the end of June. Placement and compaction of the base material is occurring right now. It is probably the most critical part of the project. This foundation is laying the groundwork for a solid trail surface.

You may have noticed the construction going on at the 820 North bridge as well. This will be a much improved underpass with straightened approaches from the north and south.
South Phase Improvements include:
Reconstruction and widening the trail to 12’
Improving underpasses at 820 North, UTA Frontrunner crossing and the Union Pacific Railroad crossing
Moving the trail closer to the river through the old KOA campground
Lighting along the trail

Please feel free to contact Thomas McKenna, Parks Project Manager, at 801-852-6643 or for more information.