This morning Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson joined us at the Provo City Public Works Yard to fill sandbags, discuss local flood mitigation efforts, share best practices, and encourage Utahns to pay attention to updates from municipalities.

I am so thankful to our state visitors today for helping Provo reach its goal of 100,000 sandbags by May 1. Thank you to our employees and volunteers who have also responded to the call for help. Our volunteer numbers are impressive and prove how quickly a community can come together to make a difference. Just look at these numbers:
45,000 sandbags have been filled
1,000 sandbags have been deployed for use
411 volunteers have contributed to 1,255 volunteer hours
Areas of highest flood concern are being actively monitored and mitigated. These include:
The frontal canyons of Rock, Slate and Little Rock Canyons and
Properties adjacent to the Provo River.
Provo’s Public Works department has been working on flood prevention efforts since February and their tireless efforts continue.
We’ve made significant infrastructure improvements, public works crews are actively mitigating high risk areas, protection efforts continue with sandbagging and residents are encouraged to follow updated information on our website and social media channels.
Provo is preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. While we can’t control Mother Nature, we can and must be as prepared as possible. Thank you again to all who have and will continue to join Provo as we prepare to protect our community.
Sandbag Availability
Public Works facility
1377 S 350 E
25-bag bundle
Bring a shovel
Flooding Questions
Public Works
Phone: (801) 852-6700
Email and Text Updates
City updates: provocity.into/signup
Emergency updates:
1984 Provo Flooding Facts
The sandbag channel in Slate Canyon had over 90,000 sandbags, over 2,625 tons of sand, two vehicular bridges and eight pedestrian bridges.
It took 1,455 volunteers a total of over 3,770 hours to construct the Slate Canyon channel.
Additionally, over 3,280 volunteers have contributed a total of 5,190 hours in filling and moving other sandbags