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  • Writer's pictureMichelle

Help Restore Slate Canyon

Slate Canyon is an incredible Provo treasure and Conserve Utah Valley wants to highlight and restore this hidden gem. In order to do just that, a 2021 Earth Day Project on April 24 is officially registered on the global Earth Day website.

Please sign up today to volunteer at and help improve Slate Canyon Trailhead through four projects:

First, In conjunction with Provo City Kindness Week and the Provo Parks Department, we will improve the landscaping by removing weeds, spreading rock, gravel and bark along the parking strips and parking lot perimeters.

Second, the bike skills course and disc golf course have many shrubs, trees, and weeds that need to be trimmed back. The Provo Parks Department will cut the undergrowth in advance of Earth Day. They have asked for volunteers to help remove the cuttings, weeds and overgrowth by dragging and carrying them to Provo City Dumpsters and dump trucks.

Third, overseen by the Provo Police Department’s “Tag” Graffiti Removal team, a small number of people are needed to help paint over and remove paint from concrete, wooden fences and canyon boulders.

Fourth, to understand and appreciate the diversity of Slate Canyon, a coalition of scientists from BYU and UVU are launching a citizen science project to list as many species as possible that live in the canyon. We need volunteers to meet with these scientists and their research assistants and learn about the insects, birds, plants, animals and fungi of our canyon. Using their phone cameras and Apps like iSeek and iNaturalist volunteers can document what lives here. Earth Day 2021 Slate Canyon will launch this effort which will continue throughout the year. Earth Day 2021 will also introduce volunteers to the “City Nature Challenge” (April 30-May 3).

All volunteers are asked to bring gloves.

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